

NASIG 2024 has ended
Thanks to all who participated and contributed to its success!
Full Conference Schedule (Sched)


  • UKSG Announces Programme for Inaugural Online Conference
  • NASIG Statement Against Racism

  • Accelerating print-to-digital and the need for Digital Preservation

Check the NASIG Blog for more news and events


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  • UKSG
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NASIG is an independent organization working to advance and transform the management of information resources. Our ultimate goal is to facilitate and improve the distribution, acquisition, and long-term accessibility of information resources in all formats and business models. NASIG is also the proud moderator of the SERIALST discussion list since 2014.

NASIG is a member of NISO, scanwingy苹果 and IFLA, and is a strategic affiliate of the wingy ios安装包.

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